SVE em Glogow (Polónia)

SVE em Glogow (Polónia)

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Temos uma vaga aberta num projecto SVE já aprovado em Glogow, na Polónia! (Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu? Lê tudo aqui!)

A estadia é de 7 meses; o projecto começará a 1 de Outubro de 2014 e decorrerá até o 30 de Abril de 2015. A organização de acolhimento é a Association for Children and Young People “CHANCE”. A descrição geral do projecto encontra-se na sua página na Base de Dados do SVE.

Podem candidatar-se jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos de idade. Não é preciso falar polaco.

Abaixo segue uma breve descrição do projecto:

“Take your chance” is a project which is run in the town of Glogow (south east of Poland) by the Association for Children and Young People CHANCE. 

Our Association works in the field of activating and education children and young people through non formal education. We use many energetic methods and response to youngster’s real needs, that is why we decided to get them engaged in sport participation as a way to become more active and prevent their social exclusion and undesired behaviour like violence, addictions, inactivity and helplessness. Through the project “Take your chance” we will promote equal opportunities and Human Rights. The volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in our activities, which develop different skills: artistic expression, new technologies, sport and healthy lifestyle and they also develop their own initiatives always with the support of a mentor or project coordinator. The volunteer will be, as well, provided with classes of Polish language.logosglogow

During the project we are going to run different activities, specially focused in sports and healthy life style. Our plan is to develop this activities according to sports, disciplines and related topics. At the beginning, we are going to introduce our volunteers to our association, our work and our community. Then, we will start with the first activities related to popular sports and integration sports. Also with workshops about diverse topics like First Aids, Nutrition, Alternative therapies, etc. The duration of this project is nine months and every month or every two months, we will address a different theme. Each month, (the duration will be flexible, appropriate to the possible demands and needs), we will develop a popular sport activities and integration sports and we will conduct workshops, conferences, meetings, about it. For these workshops, we will have professionals and experts in these areas, which is a major motivation for young people. In this way, young people can take part in all activities, be protagonists of them, know the resources that we have in the city of Glogów, have alternatives to enjoy their free time and learn and develop multiple and varied activities ranging from participation in sports contests, new technologies, dance to even learn new languages.


Se estiveres interessado/a, envia o teu CV e carta de motivação (ambos em inglês) para até 25 de Agosto.