SVE em Wrocław (Polónia)

SVE em Wrocław (Polónia)

logos_SVETemos uma vaga aberta num projecto SVE já aprovado em Wrocław, na Polónia! (Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu? Lê tudo aqui!)

A estadia é de 10 meses; o projecto começará a 1 de Fevereiro e decorrerá até ao final de Novembro de 2014. A organização de acolhimento é a Stowarzyszenie Tratwa. A descricao geral do projecto encontra-se na sua página na Base de Dados do SVE.

No projecto participarão 4 voluntários do Reino Unido, Alemanha e Portugal. Podem candidatar-se jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos de idade.

Abaixo segue uma breve descrição do projecto (lê aqui a descrição mais detalhada):

logo_tratwaEVS volunteers will be working in Centre of Intercultural Project DEPOT (PPM ZAJEZDNIA) with young people in the one of the main project which is call “My Place NGO” (Moje Miejsce NGO). This project is addressed to young people (16-25 years old), who are living in youth care facility or foster families. The main aim of our project is focus on social inclusion and professional social motivation for people who are at risk of social exclusion.

The Centre has developed a non-formal education approach, involving young people in all kind of projects and activities. This project runs with activities focused on the personal development of youngsters, stimulating creativity and participation and offering the opportunity to acquire abilities specific competencies and interests. Through our activity, we create a special space for developing their personalities and discovering new passions.

In the period of 01/02/2014 to 30/11/2014, four volunteers from UK , Germany and Portugal, will take part in the project to support our aims to create conditions of work suitable for vulnerable young people and to help with their social integration. Volunteers will have a chance to work together with young people (16-25 years old), who are at risk of social exclusion. We would like to host volunteers that will support our group of young people and our workers as well. Involving these young people from different countries, with lot of experiences and enthusiasm is an interesting and new experience for the youth but also a big impact to strengthen the system supporting youth activities in range of EU mobility.

There is many option for the individual project of volunteers. In the Centre we have suitable facilities for that like sounds studio, music/theater stage, photography darkroom , DIY (do-it-yourself) workshop with professional tools and kitchen. Everything depends on passion, interests and ideas of the volunteers. It can be little music or theater performances, photography exhibitions or culinary project.

Centro Histórico de Wrocław

Se estiveres interessado/a, envia o teu CV e carta de motivação (ambos em inglês) para até ao final de Dezembro.