Intercâmbio "Urban House", Eslovénia

Intercâmbio “Urban House”, Eslovénia

A Associação Spin está a promover um novo intercâmbio juvenil  internacddddional “Urban House” em Črnomelj, na Eslovénia

Este intercâmbio internacional vai decorrer entre os dias 9 a 16 de Outubro e vai reunir 36 jovens e líderes juvenis de Espanha, Croácia, Macedónia, Polónia e Portugal.

A visita preparatória (somente para o líder de grupo) vai decorrer de 18 a 20 de Agosto, em Črnomelj , na Eslovénia.

Estamos à procura de 5 participantes Portugueses+ 1 líder de grupo!

O intercâmbio coordenando pela Associação Youth center BIT Slovenia

As actividades do projecto serão baseadas numa metodologia de educação não-formal, como sendo trabalho em grupo, workshops, reflexões conjuntas, entre outros.

As principais temáticas são: ecologia, reciclagem, pinturas e jardinagem.

Breve descrição (em inglês):

Project has two main goals:
– To encourage youngsters in self employment and social entrepreneurship.
We will inform participants what social entrepreneurship is, where to start, how to get the finances, introduce them with startup and crowdfunding platforms and other business tools. With gained knowledge and competences, the participants will create their own business plan and try to realize it, when they come back home.
We will achieve this with cooperation, intercultural dialog, interactive presentations, team work, open thinking, self-development and self-confidence, sharing good practices from different countries and conversation with various successful entrepreneurs.

- Creative artistic expressing with renovation of the hostel.
This goal we will achieve through various practical workshops, where participants will renovate the furniture, color the walls, rearrange the terrace, build roof garden and give the new urban look to this old building, for better implementation of the future educational projects and development of truism for organized groups.
For implementation of workshops we will use various methods of non-formal education, such as: brainstorming, cooperating, open thinking, planning, team work, open discussion, interactive presentation, intercultural dialog in teambuilding.

On the project Urban House, participants will present their own point of views, creative ideas and with cooperation with other participants also make it in realization. Through various workshops and renovation of the hostel, participants will acquire knowledge, skills and competences that are key tools in non-formal education and informal learning with a European dimension.

Participants will through practical creative workshops restore furniture, paint walls, transform terrace in an urban garden and so make a new urban image of an old building, which will be suitable and more comfortable for future projects and development of tourism for organized groups. Participants will also get to know the basics of social entrepreneurship as a tool for solving social problems in an entrepreneurial way.

Main objectives and highligts of this projects beside the renovation of the hostel are collaboration and teamwork, getting to know other cultures and countries, personal growth and self-esteem and discovering your own creativity. On the project Urban House, participants will present their own views, creative ideas and with cooperation with other participants also make it in realization. Through various workshops and renovation of the hostel participants will acquire knowledge, skills and abilities that are key tools in non-formal education and informal learning with a European dimension.

As principais temáticas são: ecologia, reciclagem, pinturas, jardinagem

Informações logísticas:

Todas as despesas de alojamento e alimentação estão cobertas a 100% pelo Programa Erasmus+. 

viagem internacional (ida e volta, incluindo voo internacional e transportes até ao local do intercâmbio) está coberta até ao limite máximo de €360/pessoa, sendo o valor reembolsado após o regresso e entrega de todos os documentos.

Podem saber todas as informacoes no InfoPack do Projecto.

Todos os candidatos, devem:

– Ser sócio(a) da Associação Spin (Ainda não és sócio(a)? Visita esta página!);
– Residir legalmente em Portugal;
– Ter interesse nos temas do intercâmbio:
– Estar motivado(a) em contribuir para as actividades propostas;
–Ter entre 18 e 30 anos de idade;
– O líder de grupo pode ter mais de 30 anos.

Todos os interessados devem preencher e enviar Ficha de Candidatura até dia 31 de Julho para com a indicação “YE Urban Life”.

Para mais informações, contactar

Não percam esta oportunidade!