URGENTE! SVE em Vukovar (Croácia)

URGENTE! SVE em Vukovar (Croácia)

erasmus+logo1Temos uma vaga aberta num projecto SVE aprovado em Vukovar, Croácia! (Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu? Lê tudo aqui!)

A estadia é de 6 meses; o projecto começará o mais brevemente possível (preferencialmente antes de 15 de Novembro 2014) e decorrerá até 30 de Abril de 2015. A organização de acolhimento é a Youth Peace Group Danube.

No projecto participarão voluntários de vários países da Europa. Podem candidatar-se jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos de idade.

Abaixo segue uma breve descrição do projecto:

Aim of the Home visit project is improving the quality of life of elderly, powerless and disabled people in Vukovar and surrounding area through different activities and inter-generational solidarity.
As elderly people become very marginalized it is our aim to improve their social life and quality of life through organising different activities.
Planned activities:
• Different courses (computer classes, art & craft: sewing, knitting, creative workshops), connect young volunteers (both local and international) with elder people and work with them on different topics as understanding and breaking prejudices toward old people,
• inter-generational solidarity by connecting young people to work together with elder people and help them in everyday life (doing small repairs and cleaning, painting walls, small administrative works etc),
• prepare, develop and share brochure about importance of care about elder people,
• prepare, develop and share brochures about voluntarism, its importance and different ways to do it,
• make research and analysis of further needs of elder people to get new information and inputs so we can see their needs to be able to continue with this kind of work and improve in future and define new beneficiaries
• inform different institutions about our findings.

Practical info:
• Volunteers will be accommodated together and share house/place.
• All volunteers will have covered travel costs according to the new Erasmus+ rules, health insurance and visa costs and support, living costs and pocket money (90,00 euro for Croatia).
• All volunteers will have a mentor and will have a Croatian language course assured.

Volunteers, sending organisation and hosting oragnisation will sign Activity Agreement stating roles and responsibilities of all parties involved.

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Se estiveres interessado/a, envia o teu CV e carta de motivação (ambos em inglês) para sve@a-spin.pt até dia 30 de Novembro.