Curso "Young entrepreneurs for change", Barcelona (Espanha)

Curso “Young entrepreneurs for change”, Barcelona (Espanha)

erasmus+logoO curso de formação internacional “Young entrepreneurs for change” terá lugar em Barcelona, Espanha, entre os dias 15 e 23 de Abril 2015 e é organizado pela Associação “Mundus”.

A participação no curso de formação está coberta a 100% pelo Programa Erasmus+. A viagem de ida e volta também será reembolsada a 100%, dentro do orçamento previsto.

Os participantes devem:
– ser sócios da Associação Spin (Ainda não és sócio(a)? Visita esta página!)
– residir legalmente em Portugal
– estar interessados no tema do curso de formação

Abaixo segue uma descrição do projecto:

“Main context and project aim

According to the EU Commission report “ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2020 ACTION PLAN”, a lack of entrepreneurial mindsets and essential skills related to it exist among the young people in Europe. Moreover, a lack of entrepreneurial learning due to traditional education, which doesn’t offer the right basis and practical experience for gaining the needed competences, is detected in most of the Member States of the EU. In response to the specified problems, the proposed training course aims at achieving common understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship and how it could be used in order to support the creation of sustainable social actions in the spirit of youth participation, solidarity and active citizenship and thus provoking a social change.

 To explore the principles of youth entrepreneurship and the ways which they could be applied
 To build up entrepreneurial competences of participants in view of improvement of their capacity for creation of sustainable social initiatives as key elements of the work in the youth field
 To practice tools in relevant areas of management in order to plan actions for sustainable future development of participants at different levels
 To develop creativity, innovation and teamwork capacity of participants, their sense of initiative, as well as their understanding of how to be good learners
 To explore the concept of entrepreneurship through relevant examples of successful entrepreneurs to serve as role models and to see how it applies to the participants and their organizations
 To assess best practices and common pitfalls in the field of entrepreneurship

The program of the course will be based on non formal education and will be conducted using an interactive and participative approach. Active group/team work, role-plays, outdoor activities and plenary discussions, as well as theoretical inputs will characterize the program of the course in order to cover all aspects of the project themes. Special attention will be paid to the fact that the competences and the knowledge gained and transmitted during the course remain sustainable and transferable. This will be achieved by setting up enough space and time for reflection and evaluation, by providing comprehensive documentation, handouts and guidance from the trainers’ team.

On the basis of their already existing projects in their sending organizations, participants will be invited to share good practices, to exchange useful information, and work intensively in order to improve their project management skills in regards to projects related to youth participation.

Participants in the training course
The proposed training course addresses all members of the youth partner organizations involved in, interested to develop their entrepreneurial competences and to multiply the effect of the project within their local communities. The main target group is composed of professional or volunteer youth workers, trainers, EVS mentors or project managers all working in the youth sector. The selection of participants for this course will be made by the partner organizations after the approval of the project according to the eligibility criteria as follows. All participants selected for this course must be:
• To be actively involved in the organization and in general in the youth field in their community
• To be able to attend the full duration of the training course and fully able to communicate and work in English language
• To be committed to disseminate the results within their organizations, and to multiply the impact of the project by actively working with youth in their local communities.”


Se estiverem interessados em participar, enviem a ficha de inscrição para com indicação Curso de Formação “Young entrepreneurs for change” até 31 de Janeiro 2015.