SVE em Rijswijk (Holanda)
Temos uma vaga aberta num projecto SVE de curta duração já aprovado em Rijswijk (perto da Haia), na Holanda! (Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu? Lê tudo aqui!)
A estadia é de 1 mês; o projecto começará a 6 de Abril e decorrerá até 4 de Maio de 2014. A organização de acolhimento é a Don Bosco Youthnet Nederland. As informações gerais acerca da organização e do projecto encontram-se na sua página na base de dados do SVE.
No projecto participarão 4 voluntários de diferentes países europeus. Podem candidatar-se jovens dos 18 aos 30 anos de idade. Neste projecto prioridade será dada a jovens com menos oportunidades (lê aqui quem são os jovens com menos oportunidades).
Abaixo segue uma breve descrição do projecto:
This project “Magic of Colors (Springbos 2014)” aims to help young people with less opportunity to cross the borders of their on mind set up and culture and create a vital sustainable personal growth and development. This promotes intercultural learning experience, encouraging social integration and widening the perspective of the young people to employability. This program aims and has the potential to give young people a first experience of European Voluntary Service promoting intercultural learning and European citizenship in a mixed group experience. In this way this project creates an ideal set up to emphasizing collective and individual responsibility promoting social cohesion, solidarity, and active participation and concrete action.
The program takes place in the Netherlands, from 6th April to 4th May 2014. A group of 4 volunteers (will be young people with fewer opportunities) from 4 countries will take active part in the daily and holiday activities (Meiebos) in the multicultural youth centre Rijswijk. Meibos (activities with children) and the activities as a group in Don Boscohuis Rijswijk will ensure that the learning takes place not only on an individual basis but also in a group. The method of indoor and outdoor sport and recreative activities for the children give the volunteers a good opportunity, to Cross the Borders of their countries, age, Culture, language and at the same time get to know the youth work on a European scale and will promote many more individual EVS possibilities for our organization and partner organizations.
Se estiveres interessado/a, envia o teu CV e carta de motivação (ambos em inglês) para até 15 de Janeiro.