2016 selection closed

13439204_1189906954362673_5573323174075030478_nWe have officialy finished the selection process for both phases of ‘Live it Lisbon!’.

Today we are already receiving the participants of the first phase of ‘Live it Lisbon!’ who are coming to us from Macedonia, Romania, Malaysia, Algeria, Spain, Iran, Lebanon, Germany, Poland, China, Slovakia, Croatia, France, Czech Republic, Serbia, Greece and Lithuania. We are very excited to welcome them here and we also cannot wait for the August phase and another group of volunteers coming to Lisbon!

Thank you very much for applying for the programme! We have received over 2200 applications and we are very happy because of that but at the same time extremely sorry that we are not able to accept more candidates as the spots in the programme are limited. We are certainly hoping to run yet another edition of ‘Live it Lisbon!’ next year. Please remember about us then!

If you wish to stay updated, please subscribe the newsletter through our Live it Lisbon! website.