Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 1 ESC volunteer for a ESC project with our local partner, SPEAK, starting in March,…

Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating Organization, is currently looking for 2 ESC volunteers for an approved project with our local partner Junta de Freguesia do…

Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 2 ESC volunteers for a ESC project with our local partner, Sociedade Portuguesa para o…

Associação Spin, acting as the coordinating organisation, is currently looking for several ESC volunteers within the already approved “Solidarity LX” project. The current status of recruitment is…

Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 1 ESC volunteer for an approved project with our partner ANFR – Projecto Bola p’ra Frente, starting…

Associação Spin, acting as the Hosting and Coordinating organization, is currently looking for 3 ESC volunteers for a project starting in March, 2020! Hosting Organization: Associação Spin Activity…

Today is International Volunteer Day! Our volunteers participated today in the celebration organized by the Erasmus+ National Agency of Youth in Action, where our project…

On Wednesday, together with the Lisbon Erasmus Student Network (ESN Lisboa), Agnes organised a walk through Bairro Padre Cruz for international Erasmus students. Our neighbourhood…

In November, we received 7 new volunteers for the ESC project ‘SolidarityLX’! All of them will develop their projects with our partner organisations. We present…

Some of the most important moments for the success of a project are the preparatory meetings. It was with great pleasure that we met, on…