At the end of November we were present at the Factor E – Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair at the invitation of our partners of SPEM…

In September we had another Eurodesk information session at Spin. During the meeting we presented the European opportunities for young people funded by the Erasmus…

“European opportunities for youngsters with Erasmus+” – that was the topic of one more Spin/Eurodesk session, organized together with Rede Eures, this time in Torres…

Sharing information and experiences, evaluating this year and preparing the upcoming Eurodesk activities… this is what we did for the last couple of days in Braga where…

We held another Eurodesk infosession, this time at the Vocational Training Department of IEFP in Lisbon! With Spin and RedeEures, the young trainees discovered opportunities for European volunteering, youth exchanges,…