Strategic Partnership “RE-PLAY to RE-ACT”
Spin Association will be applying to a new Erasmus+ project under Key Action 2 called “RE-PLAY to RE-ACT” to be submitted by 31.3.2016.
Our “RE-PLAY to RE-ACT” project intends to cooperate for innovation, by creating a new training tool for Adult education using theatre techniques in order to promote lifelong learning. The final result will be an innovative Script/set of techniques to be used in the work with seniors with special focus on the refugee’s crisis.
We are looking for partners from Italy, Germany, Croatia or Greece which are:
1) University for Senior Citizens, Senior’s Academy, Università della Terza età, or other Adult Education Organizations whose main role would be to select and prepare 7 Senior participants, support them in all stages of project implementation and provide information and feedback for the training tool’s creation.
2) NGO working with refugees or recently arrived migrants, whose main role will be to host 7 senior volunteers in the daily activities with refugees and/or migrants during one month and provide updated information and feedback throughout the whole project implementation.
Partners will receive 250€/month for administration and management during 18 month’s project duration (4.500€) and also other costs related to project’s activities.
Here is our project proposal, so that you evaluate the opportunity to participate in the partnership.
If your Organization is interested, send us this Mandate dully filled in, signed and stamped by your legal representative to the email erasmusmais@a-spin.pt until 23/03/2016
We are looking forward to start this new partnership!
Hallo if you intersted to cooperate with an informal youth group from Greece whose mempers are volunteers social workers,psychologists ,doctors ,teachers with great experience please communicate .
Katerina Liaskopoulou
Contact person of “Ihnilates you fotos”