“EVS – Enhancing Vocational Support” Seminar & Training
We are currently looking for partners for a multilateral KA1 Youth Workers Mobility Project. We intend to apply for the Erasmus+ funding on April, 26th. If you are interested in being our partner organization, read the call below!
Project title: EVS – Enhancing Vocational Support
Theme: EVS, youth unemployment, career guidance
Host Organization: Associação Spin
Partner application deadline: 24th April 2017
We need:
– 11 sending partner organizations from Program & Neighboring Partner Countries: NGOs, Associations or Public Bodies experienced in EVS & willing to know new best practices and share their own throughout Europe;
– 2 participants per country per meeting: EVS Coordinators, Tutors or Mentors.
The idea:
This project intends to bring together experts and actors in the field of EVS in order to foster the exchange of skills and experience in leading a successful EVS project with focus on post-EVS employability dimensions.
Project activities:
The project will consist of two international meetings: a seminar (for participants with considerable experience in EVS) and a training course (for those in need of training on the employability dimension in EVS).
Exchange of Best Practices in EVS Lisbon, 6-12 November 2017 |
EVS & Employability Lisbon, 10-18 March 2018 |
Both activities will provide space for exchange of experience, informal networking, study visits, NFE activities, NGO presentations, creation of final products and much more.
– the travels (SEM and TC) will be reimbursed up to the limit established by the Erasmus+ Program Guide within 3 months after each meeting;
– accommodation, food and activities will be covered by the host organization;
– there is no participation fee.
Partner Organization´s responsibilities:
– select and prepare(!) the participants for the meetings;
– make sure the participants take active part in the preparatory & follow-up phases;
- contribute to the visibility and dissemination of the project.
To be partners, you should:
– be an eligible institution from a Program or Neighboring Partner Country (having all the necessary documents up-to-date on the Participant Portal);
– read this call very carefully and agree to all its conditions;
– send your PIF and Mandate to intercambios@a-spin.pt by April, 24th (please make sure you mention the name “EVS-EVS” in the subject line of your e-mail).
We look forward to cooperating with you!