It's "Rights' Time"! New adult education project

It’s “Rights’ Time”! New adult education project

AN_Erasmus_PortugalAlways innovating, by mid 2023, Spin was granted an Erasmus+ KA122 ADU project approval by the Portuguese National Agency for Education and Training, a new adult education project.

logo tempo direitos

Project name: Right’s Time (“Tempo dos Direitos”)
Duration: 15 months – From 01.06.2023 to 31.08.2024
Countries involved: Portugal & Italy
Project Topics:
Human rights and rule of law
Active ageing
Digital content and pedagogical practices

Project objectives:
– Recognition of Spin Association’s as a non-formal adult education organization.
– Development of the technical, linguistic and soft skills of the Association’s staff.
– Improvement of the quality of adult training in the field of human rights.
– Improvement of basic skills in digital literacy, foreign language and soft skills of 8 senior learners with fewer opportunities for their social inclusion and active citizenship.
– First steps of Spin Association’s internationalization process as an adult education organization.

Project activities:
1.  Job shadowing for 2 members of Spin Association, with the aim of learning new technical knowledge, practices and methods to develop new ideas, share the know-how with the whole team and improve the quality of the Association’s training activities.

foto seniores 2. Training on human rights for 8 seniors (aged +55 years old). Part of Spin’s regular activities, not funded by this project, but part of it.

3. Invited Expert’s training session on the topic: “Actions for the protection and promotion of human rights”, carried out by an invited international expert, from Italy, referred by a host partner organization as an expert in this area.

4. Group mobility of senior learners, an international mobility in Italy that will involve the 8 senior learners of the training sessions on human rights “Tempo dos Direitos” and 2 staff members of the Spin Association with the objective of learning in the context of volunteer action, during 1 week in March 2024.
It will take place after the end of the “Tempo dos Direitos” training sessions and will serve to integrate the knowledge obtained during training, combined with practical experience and the acquisition of new learning.

The program for this mobility includes volunteer actions carried out in organization(s) that promote human rights, within the scope of their activities, cultural visits to places of pedagogical and cultural interest in the hosting city and organization of a final international “living library” event.

source: living library on Council of Europe website

source: living library on Council of Europe website

The “Living Library” is a non formal education tool, an innovative, simple and concrete method to promote dialogue, reduce prejudices, break stereotypes and improve understanding between people of different ages, genders, lifestyles and cultural backgrounds. This event will be open to the public, with 8 “books” (the books are human) and a catalog of “titles” (stories) by senior learners and some Italian “books” (beneficiaries of the host organization or other age groups) and will promote respect for human rights as well as encourage intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.

This is the planned final activity of the training cycle and Erasmus+ project “Tempo dos Direitos”(“Right’s Time”).
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