Because I´m… Healthy!
Do you know the song “Because I´m… happy…” by Pharrell Williams? Yes? So now you should get to know not the song, but our international project “Because I´m… Healthy!”
Associação Spin is organizing an international youth project which will take place at Spin’s Hostel in Bairro Padre Cruz (Lisbon, Portugal) within the dates 20-27 of October. 25 young people from Cyprus, Finland, Poland, Portugal and Spain will gather together in Lisbon to discuss topics connected with healthy lifestyle, to prepare healthy food and to do some sports.
If you are interested in the exchange and reside in one of the countries participating in the exchange, you can contact these organizations for more information:
Country: | Organization: |
Cyprus | PlanBe, Plan it Be it |
Finland | Allianssin nuorisovaihto |
Poland | Stowarzyszenie Młodzież Integracja Aktywność |
Spain | Ayuntamiento de Alicante |