SVE em Zagreb, Croácia
A Associação Spin está promover 1 vaga para o projecto Serviço Voluntário Europeu (SVE), “Going International in local Capoeira Communities” em Zagreb, Croácia!
O projecto de voluntariado Europeu “Going International in local Capoeira Communities” irá decorrer de 1 Setembro 2017 até 1 Agosto de 2018 (11 meses) em Zagreb, Croácia! Terá voluntários de Portugal, Itália, Espanha e Polónia. Candidata-te!
Ainda não conheces o Serviço Voluntário Europeu (SVE)? Lê tudo aqui!
Despesas de viagem entre Portugal e Croácia (ida e volta) 100% cobertas pelo Programa Erasmus+ até ao máximo de €360.
Alojamento e transportes locais estão igualmente cobertos a 100% pelo Programa Erasmus+, sem qualquer custo para os voluntários, sendo ainda atribuída a cada voluntário uma quantia de “pocket money” no valor de €90/mês e €150/mês para alimentação.
A organização de acolhimento deste projecto de SVE é a Associação Amazonas, que promove a interculturalidade e estilos de vida saudáveis através de vários aspectos da cultura Brasileira e da arte da Capoeira. Com actividades ligadas a esta prática desportiva, encorajam o multiculturalismo, o desenvolvimento da criatividade e da sociabilidade de crianças e jovens.
Voluntary activities (em inglês):
1. Activities which are building connections between local and international volunteers
a) Amazonas Club
Amazonas Club is a space where our members and volunteers can create workshops/events and hang out. All four volunteers will in cooperation with local volunteers assist in creation of activities in the club.
b) Participation in media team and/or Brazilactica team
During the year Amazonas is having a lot of campaigns as Tolerance Day, Campaign against violence, Batizado events etc. Also, we are having festival of Brazilian culture – Brazilactica. All four volunteers will asist in media coverage and preparations of those events.
c)Promotion of the mobility and EVS
Trough the project all four volunteers will promote mobility, EVS and Erasmus+ by creating events, presentations etc. for local youngsters and people interested in it.
2. Activities which are promoting inclusion in local community
a) Tribo Moderna
In this project we are working with children with a behavioral problem. Two volunteers will be in a team with our local volunteers and they will assist in preparation and implementation of cultural and sport workshops for children in schools based on the promotion of non – violence.
b) Intercultural activities in rural communities
Except with schools, we are working with organisations as Suncokret in Vrginmost with children with fewer opportunities. Two volunteers, once in mount, will assist to our team members in the implementation of cultural and sport workshops for children.
3. Activities for the improvement of digital, media, management and promotion skills
a) Brazilactica
Every year in May we have festival of Brazilian culture – Brazilactica. It will engage two volunteers (other can join if they want). One volunteer will work on preparation of the promotional material and another will work on the festival schedule, new ideas and potential artists.
b) Do your movies
During the year Amazonas have many events and we are making a video of them. Activity will engage two volunteer who will make a short videos of events. We will educate them how to handle equipment, edit and give them a camera. One volunteer will film Tolerance day, another Summer Camp. Also, volunteers will do one film in the pair (or all four of them if they want) – it will be about their EVS experience and life in Croatia.
c) Go creative
During the EVS we will leave space for all four volunteers to create, prepare and implement their personal project. Team of Amazonas will help them in implementation and structure their ideas.
4. Activities for improvement of language competences
a)Native language lessons:
Volunteers will have an opportunity to prepare small lesions of their native languages and culture. It will be once per week in the afternoon hours. Activity is important for volunteers in order to meet local community.
b) Croatian lessons will be once per week.
*IMPORTANT: During the EVS all volunteers will be engaged in activities connected with language competences and building relationships between local and international volunteers. Regarding other activities, two volunteers will be engaged more in social projects (work with children with fewer opportunities), and two will work more on organization, media and promotional activities. So, when you will write your motivation letters, please notice which of those two options you prefere.
Todas as informações sobre o projecto podem ser consultadas no InfoPack.
Todos os candidatos, devem:
– Ser sócio(a) da Associação Spin (Ainda não és sócio(a)? Visita esta página!),
– Residir legalmente em Portugal;
– Estar interessado(a) no tema do voluntariado;
– Ter entre 18 e 30 anos de idade.
Todos os interessados devem enviar a ficha de candidatura, o seu CV e carta de motivação (ambos escritos em inglês) específica para este projecto para sve.envio@a-spin.pt até dia 15 de Junho!
Não percas tempo!
Para informações adicionais, contactar: sve.envio@a-spin.pt com a indicação “Going International in local Capoeira Communities”.