Time of Rights II – Adult education continues!
In 2024, Spin received approval for the second Erasmus+ KA122 ADU project from the National Erasmus+ Education and Training Agency, a new adult education project!
Project name: “Time for Rights II”
Duration: 18 months – From 09/01/2024 to 02/28/2026
Topics: Human Rights and rule of law
Active aging
Education for global citizenship
Intercultural learning
Digital content and pedagogical practices
Project objectives:
– Recognition of the identity and image of Associação Spin as a non-formal adult education entity and consolidation of its internationalization
– Development and improvement of the technical, linguistic and personal skills and competencies of the Association’s staff
– Improving quality and innovation in adult training promoted by Spin
– Improvement of basic skills in digital literacy, foreign language and soft skills of 8 seniors with fewer opportunities.
Planned activities:
1. Job shadowings and international training courses for Spin staff, with the aim of learning new technical knowledge, practices and methods to develop new ideas, share new know-how with the entire team and improve the quality of training actions of the Association. The selection criteria will be: 40% Curriculum (Valuation of international experiences in the past, communication and networking skills); 30% Knowledge of a foreign language; 30% Motivation and availability to participate in mobility.
2. “Time of Rights” training cycle for 8 senior apprentices (over 55 years old) and final event Biblioteca Viva. Activities carried out by Associação Spin, not financed by the project but an integral part. Calendar and schedule available soon.
3. Hosting of an international specialist invited to one of the sessions of the training cycle on an Open Day basis to the public.
4. International mobility of senior apprentices (location to be determined).
This is an international group mobility that will involve apprentices participating in the 2nd edition of the training sessions on human rights “Time for Rights” and 2 companions from Associação Spin with the objective of learning in the context of voluntary action, for 1 week, in November 2025.
It will serve to integrate the knowledge obtained during training, combined with practical experience and acquisition of new learning.
For group mobility, 8 senior participants will be selected.
Selection criteria:
-be over 55 years old
-motivation for learning
-be resident in Portugal
-availability and interest in traveling outside the country
-obstacles and/or fewer opportunities in life
-be a member of the Spin Association.
In the event of a tie, priority will be given to registrations from residents in Carnide, participants in more than one previous activity of the Association and in order of arrival of registrations. The gender balance in the group will also be taken into account. Participants will be selected by three members of the Association’s staff after checking the registration forms and conducting an individual interview with each registrant.
Registration for participation in the training cycle and international group mobility (volunteering) will open soon!
The program of this mobility includes volunteering actions carried out in organization(s) that promote human rights, within the scope of their activities, cultural visits to places of pedagogical-cultural interest in the host city and at the end after return, carrying out of a final “living library” event.
The “Living Library” is an innovative, simple and concrete method to promote dialogue, reduce prejudices, break stereotypes and improve understanding between people of different ages, sexes, lifestyles and cultural background. This event will be open to the public, with several “books” (books are human) and a catalog of “titles” (stories) from senior learners and will promote respect for human rights as well as stimulate intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.
For more information, contact: international@a-spin.pt or call 21 7145520 (between 10am and 5pm).