
Youth in Action Programme is a European Union initiative which promotes mobility inside and outside the EU borders; non-formal education and intercultural dialogue; stimulates the sense of European citizenship, developing solidarity between European youngsters and encouraging their inclusion, independently from their educational, social or cultural background.

The Programme allows the participation in several initiatives, from short-term exchanges to long-term voluntary projects, as well as study visits and training courses. In the website of the National Agency, who manages the Programme, you will find information about all the actions implemented.
Spin Association is an accredited coordinating, sending and hosting organisation for participants in projects developed within the Youth in Action Programme’s frame.
We promote activities in the field of the following initiatives of the Programme:

Youth Exchanges
These are short-term meetings that allow the gathering of youngsters from different countries around topics of mutual interest in order for them to know other cultures.

European Voluntary Service (EVS)
It allows youngsters to participate, individually or in group, in a voluntary project in another country, inside or outside European Union, during a period which can last up to 12 months.

The activities to be performed can lie in different intervention areas and aim to benefit the local communities, developing the competencies of the volunteer, and the discovery of new cultures.

Other activities with EU neighbouring countries and other countries
Study visit, job shadowing and other youth training and networking projects, realized with EU neighbouring countries and other countries in the world.

Please contact us for more information.

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