“My data, my right!” Youth Exchange
We are currently looking for sending partners for a multilateral KA1 Youth Exchange! We intend to apply for the Erasmus+ funding on February, 5th. If you are interested in being our partner organization, read the call below!
Project title: My data, my right!
Theme: right to privacy, data protection, media literacy, critical thinking
Host Organization: Associação Spin
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Exchange dates: 19-27 September 2020
APV dates: 21-23 August 2020
Partner application deadline: 25 January 2020
We need:
– 5 sending partner organizations from the Erasmus+ Program & Partner Countries
– 5 participants per country: 1 group leader (at least 18, no upper age limit) and 4 participants (18-30, but preferably 18-25)
The idea:
We live in the middle of the “digital age” or “technological era”, with more and more people using information and communications technologies (ICT) in their daily lives at work and at home. Social media has a huge impact on people’s lives. Every second someone shares a piece of information, shares a photo, makes a post about something, enters their email and name to access a website… Are we aware of the use of our own data?
This growing use of ICT is creating fundamental rights challenges. These range from concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of personal data online to the threats posed by cybercrime or large-scale surveillance operations. As a result, every citizen may, at some point, face violations of their fundamental rights, such as their right to privacy, freedom of expression or freedom of association.
Included in the article n. º 8 of Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union entitled “Protection of Personal Data” is that everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her. More than waiting for government action in this field, we need to be citizens informed, with a spirit of initiative and critical thinking to take action: it’s our data, personal information that we are talking about.
Within this context, “My data, my right!” is a Youth Exchange project (KA1) which will engage 30 young people from 6 different countries. We will develop activities concerning data protection, the value of our data, focusing especially on the right to privacy as a fundamental human right to be protected.
Let’s put youngsters talking and debating about such an important point nowadays as their own right to privacy. Are you interested? Feel free to answer this call!
Main objectives:
– to promote awareness about our right to privacy as a fundamental human right;
– to promote awareness about the importance and value of our own data;
– to promote media literacy among young people;
– to promote pluralism, freedom of press and freedom of expression;
– to help young people to develop their critical and analytical thinking capabilities;
– to promote critical thinking among the European society;
– to promote the knowledge of Bairro Padre Cruz and Carnide areas;
– to create intercultural learning moments among the participants from several European countries and between them and the community of Carnide.
Main activities:
– workshops (non-formal methodology);
– presentations on current situation in home countries;
– documentary watching & debating;
– study visits;
– masterclass with legal experts about the right to be forgotten;
– Creation of a European recommendation about privacy and data protection that will be signed by all the participants and sent to the European Commission.
– the travels, APVand YE, will be reimbursed up to the limit established by the Erasmus+ Program Guide within 3 months after the Youth Exchange, given that all travel documents have been submitted to the coordinator, as well as the activity carried out in full by the participants and the partner organizations;
– accommodation, food and activities will be covered by the host organization;
– there is no participation fee.
Partner Organization´s responsibilities:
– select and prepare(!) the leaders and participants for the exchange (preparation is not only to help in the ticket purchase, but also to exhaustively explain to the participants what a YE is and what type of methodology will be used); both the leaders and the participants must know from early on that they are not tourists and that free time in Lisbon will be scarce;
– make sure that all leaders attend the APV (21-23 August) and lead some of the YE´s activities;
– make sure the participants take an active part in the preparatory phase: investigate and prepare presentations;
– contribute to the general visibility and dissemination of the project;
– facilitate contacts between the coordinating organization and the leaders/participants.
To be partners, you should:
– be an eligible institution from a Program or Partner Country (having all the necessary documents up-to-date on the Participant Portal)
– read this call very carefully and agree to all its conditions
– send your PIF to projects@a-spin.pt by January, 25th (please make sure you mention the name “My data, my right!” in the subject line of your e-mail).
Please share this call with all interested organizations. We are looking forward to your applications and to cooperating with you!