TC “Employ Yourself”, Krakow, Poland
Launching “Employ Yourself” project
In times when everything is changing so fast and conditions in the labor market are changing as well, it is important to search for solutions that will allow young people to present their skills. In response to this need Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Kulturatka, in cooperation with 8 partner organizations, implements a project “Employ Yourself”.
The main point of the project is to organize 7-day workshop for 28 youth workers, in the period of 21-27.09.2016. The main objective of the people involved is to exchange good practices in supporting young people in coping in the labor market. Project “Employ Yourself” will create space for exchanging good practices in the area and also stimulate employability of young people. It is aimed to affect on developing the potential of supporting organizations and improving quality of their work systems.
The workshop is dedicated for people who every day work in organizations in the field of social and educational activities for young people (especially unemployed youth), such as social leaders, coordinators of volunteers, project managers, career counselors, facilitators, trainers and people who are close to the problems of young people in the labor market.
The long-term goal of the project is to increase the level of professional activation of unemployed youth, located in the environment of the organization and preventing it from social exclusion. Working locally, we want to participate in making long term changes in the European Community.
Project starts: 1.06.2016
Project ends: 31.01.2017
“Employ Yourself” project is co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus + Program.
Current information is available on the project’s fanpage.