“True Colors” Youth Exchange
We are currently looking for sending partners for a multilateral KA1 Youth Exchange! We intend to apply for the Erasmus+ funding on October, 4th. If you are interested in being our partner organization, read the call below!
Name: True Colors
Theme: Non-discrimination based on sexual orientation, Inclusion, Social dialogue
Host Organization: Associação Spin
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Exchange dates: 19 – 26 February 2017
APV dates: 27 – 29 January 2017
Partner application deadline: 23 September 2016
We need:
– 4 sending partner organizations from Italy, Romania, Poland & Sweden
– 5 participants per country: 1 group leader (at least 18, no upper age limit) and 4 participants (18-30, but preferably 18-25)
The idea: Europe stands out as being one of the most advanced areas of the world when it comes to LGBT rights and social acceptance of LGBT people. However the stigma and forms of exclusion against the LGBT community throughout the EU endure and preclude individuals, such as LGBT people, from being able to fully participate in society. Moreover there are still wide variations between Member States on attitudes towards LGBT people. This youth exchange intends to promote a healthy dialogue on LGBT topics within EU youngsters from very different parts of Europe in order to sensitize them on tolerance and respect of diversities. Through information sessions, visits to local NGO’s and activist’s reports we wish to raise awareness on a topic sometimes not covered as much in public debates and to tackle the issues of discrimination, social inclusion and human rights.
Main objectives:
– to promote inclusion of LGBT people and youth in particular
– to encourage the young participants to engage in active citizenship on the topics of human rights and promotion of diversity
– to promote the knowledge of LGBT people and its annexed topics
– to create intercultural learning moments among the participants from several European countries
– to contribute to the development of a sense of common EU citizenship
Main activities:
– workshops on LGBT topics (non-formal methodology)
– sharing good practices and past experiences
– study visits to local NGOs/institutions
– brainstorming on the promotion of human rights
– preparation of an e-publication
– the travels (APV and YE) will be reimbursed up to the limit established by the Erasmus+ Program Guide
– accommodation, food and activities will be covered by the host organization
– there is no participation fee
Partner Organization´s responsibilities:
– select and prepare (!) the leaders and participants for the exchange (preparation is not only to help in the ticket purchase, but also to exhaustively explain to the participants what a YE is and what type of methodology will be used); both the leaders and the participants must know from early on that they are not tourists and that free time will be scarce
– make sure that all leaders attend the APV and lead some of the YE´s activities
– make sure the participants take active part in the preparatory phase (investigate and prepare presentations)
– contribute to the visibility and dissemination of the project
To be partners, you should:
– be an eligible institution from Italy, Romania, Poland & Sweden
– read this call very carefully and agree to all its conditions
– send your Partner Information Form and Mandate to intercambios@a-spin.pt by September, 23rd (please make sure you mention the name “True Colors” in the subject line of your e-mail).
Marco Tolu & Aneta Dawidziuk
+351 217 145 520
We are writing from Italy and our organization is called InFormaMentis Abruzzo. It’is a non-profit organization that works independentely or with other associations to improve the social and cultural well-being of our citizens. We also work to connect our organisation and our young people with the European system.
Since March of 2015 we manage also an information desk for young people. We are contacting you to show our interest to get more information and to propose eventually a partnership for your project.
For our young organisation it will be an honor to cooperate with you. You can find more informations about us through the links below of our web-site and Facebook pages.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kind Regards