LOOM Network
In the beginning of 2023 Spin Association gave the first impulse for the creation of LOOM, an European Network focused on Intercultural Learning. Acknowledging our 15 years of work, we believe it is more relevant than ever to fight prejudices, reduce ethnocentric perspectives and promote solidarity actions that support equality in human dignity and respect for the plurality of cultural identities.
As present and future of European societies are intertwined with and interdependent on the rest of the world, the aim of LOOM is to multiply even more the outreach and impact of Intercultural learning, bringing together long-term trustful partners from 11 European countries that work in this area with youngsters, adults and vulnerable groups.
LOOM Network Members are:
Associação Spin (Lisbon – Portugal)
Asociación Mundus – Un Mundo a tus Pies (Barcelona & Zaragoza – Spain)
Jugendkulturarbeit e.V. (Oldenburg – Germany)
Vicolocorto (Pesaro – Italy)
Pi Youth Association (Izmir – Turkey)
Youth Peace Group Danube (Vukovar – Croatia)
Mittetulundusühing Continuous Action (Tallinn – Estonia)
Association Bokra Sawa (Marseille – France)
Fundacja Rowzoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego (FRSP) (Wola – Poland)
Együttható Közösségépítő Egyesület (Association Co-Efficient) (Budapest – Hungary)
Team For Youth Association (Baia Mare – Romania)
All partners of LOOM – Intercultural Learning Network have at their core the promotion of Intercultural learning through their activities and projects and abide by the following three principles stated on the UNESCO Guidelines on Intercultural Education:
Principle I: respect the cultural identity of the learner through the provision of culturally appropriate and responsive quality education for all.
Principle II: provide every learner with the cultural knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to achieve active and full participation in society.
Principle III: provide all learners with cultural knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable them to contribute to respect, understanding and solidarity among individuals, ethnic, social, cultural and religious groups and nations.
“LOOM”, this network’s name, represents the threading of different cultural strings, putting together in an unified way a diversity of know-how and perspectives and strong knots of partnerships, that all together create an unique and rich platform for collaboration with the main focus on Intercultural Learning.
More info about LOOM Network, contact us to international@a-spin.pt