EVS vacancies - selection process update

EVS vacancies – selection process update

Associação Spin, as coordinator organization, is currently looking for 1 French, 1 Polish, 2 Spanish, 2 Italians, 1 Czech and 1 Cypriot volunteers for two already aperasmus+logo1proved EVS projects (“Step Forward!” and “Hands Down!”). The current status of recruitment is as follows:

Host Organization: Nº of vacancies: Status:
 Boutique da Cultura  1 French& 1 Spanish resident closed
 Associação Salvador  1 Italian resident closed
 Bola p’ra Frente  1 Polish resident closed
 JF Lumiar – CAF  S.Vicente  1 Italian  resident closed
 SPEM  1 Spanish resident closed
 Spin Association  1 Czech & 1 Cypriot closed

Click on the host organization’s name to see the full call for volunteers. If you would like to receive our future calls for volunteers, sign up for our Partnership Newsletter and follow us on Facebook.